NATS Nursery Ltd. - Native Plants

New Wetland Plants at the Nursery

NATS has expanded its range of wetland plants for salt marshes, bogs, ponds and shoreline planting. We are excited to see our range of wetland plants growing, and to bring our clients new options for their projects.

These species are now available in plug trays, please contact Jennifer, our starter plant sales manager for more information.

Angelica lucida- Seacoast Angelica

This perennial plant is a beautiful addition to coastal landscapes. Growing 0.5-1.4 meters tall with glossy green foliage and an umbrella of small compact white flowers it is attractive both in native habitats and garden landscapes. The flowers are seen late spring through summer and attracts bees and other pollinators. The native range of Angelica lucida extends from Alaska to California, most commonly found on moist beaches, but also in various coastal habitats from Vancouver Island south. In the northern range it can grow in subalpine elevations such as the Coast-Cascade Mountains and west.  Historically, this plant has been a food source and medicinal plant for the First Nations along the coast, although we don’t recommend trying it at home. (sea watch, n.d), (angelica lucida, n.d)

(Photo: Angelica lucida complet, by André-Philippe D. Picard)

Triglochin maritima – Seaside Arrowgrass

This aquatic/semi-aquatic perennial herb grows in brackish and fresh water marshes, mudflats, ponds, and wet meadows at low elevations, with a range across much of North America. The inflorescence are covered in 100+ small short stalked bulbus green flowers with feathery purple and/or white hairs protruding from the top. This plant produces cyanide when crushed or chewed can be dangerous for livestock and is best kept out of pastures. According to a 2004 study (Fogel, 2004) done by researchers at the British Ecological Society the presence of Triglochin maritima may increase salt marsh biodiversity. It facilitates growth of more plant species due to the raised substrate ring produced by its root rhizome, making it an excellent addition to ecologically sensitive areas. (Triglochin maritima, n.d.)

(Photo: Triglochin maritima baie-authie 80 29042007 3, by Olivier Pichard)

We grow these and many other wetland plants at NATS, please contact our sales team for any questions you may have or to put in an order, we’d love to hear from you!

More of NATS Nursery’s shoreline and salt marsh plants:

Carex lyngbeyi, Carex pansa, Carex pachystachya,  Lathyrus maritimus, Grindellia integrifolia, Salicornia virginica, Scirpus maritimus, Distichlis spicata var spicata, Potentilla anserina pacifica, Leymus mollis, Fragaria chiloensis, Allium cernuum, Sedum spathulifolium, Anaphalis margaritacea, Armeria maritima, Eriophyllum lanatum.


André-Philippe D. Picard / CC BY-SA (

Angelica lucida: plant lust. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2020, from

Fogel, B. N., Crain, C. M., & Bertness, M. D. (2004). Community level engineering effects of Triglochin maritima (seaside arrowgrass) in a salt marsh in northern New England, USA. Journal of Ecology, 92(4), 589–597. doi: 10.1111/j.0022-0477.2004.00903.x

Olivier Pichard / CC BY-SA (

Sea-watch • Angelica lucida. (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2020, from

Triglochin maritima (Seaside Arrowgrass). (n.d.). Retrieved March 23, 2020, from