NATS Nursery Ltd. - Native Plants

Whistler, LiveRoof, Green Roof Project Installation, B.C.

What a sight to behold while staring out one’s office window. Nestled between the headwaters of the Green River and the Cheakamus backcountry, this delightful Whistler green roof captures an ever-changing pallet of colourful hues and pollinator habitat. Forming the backdrop are the iconic giants of this enchanting, rugged terrain.

The plant selection included a mix of 8-12 zone-hardy sedums and perennial, bulb and grass accents per every ft2, including Allium schoenoprasum, Antennaria rosea (Rosy Pussytoes), Armeria maritima (Sea Thrift), Galium boreale (Northern Bedstraw), Penstemon davidsonii, Sisyrinchium idahoense (Idaho Blue-Eyed Grass), and Festuca ovina ‘Elijah Blue’.